Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi in Israel Says Covid Vaccine Makes You Gay?!
(And Other CRAZY News Stories)
Watch out America, the newest facial hair trend has arrived-- monkey tail beards. The best part is, if you slap someone in the face who has one, you just spanked the monkey. The worst part is, it gives the moral high ground to guys who have soul patches.
Listen up, Jews. A popular ultra-Orthodox rabbi in Israel says the COVID vaccine "can make you gay". Luckily, Mike Pence has another vaccine for that.
This makes me smile. DC-area cannabis activist Adam Eidinger is offering free weed to people who get their COVID vaccine. We've come a long way as humans. There was a time when getting stabbed and stoned was a punishment.
In astronaut news, Buzz Aldrin celebrated his 91st birthday by blowing out a 91-candle cake. But as you might expect, conspiracy theorists are saying it was all shot on a soundstage in hollywood and the candles were CGI.
Finally, in Arkansas, a porn actress who put her work on hold due to Covid has now been fired from her new job, Taco Bell, when a customer recognized her and said "as a God-fearing Christian, they didn’t feel comfortable giving the establishment their business anymore". Um, as a God-fearing Christian... how'd you recognize her?