Trump Loves the Proud Boys? Let's Talk About the Debate! (4 News Jokes)
During the debate, Trump told white supremacist group the Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by." How nice, he's promoting social distancing! So, if Trump does support the Proud Boys, does that make him Father of the Pride? Side note: what exactly do the Proud Boys have to be proud of? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it wasn't school grades or number of black friends.
I noticed that at one point in the debate, Trump said "Bad things happen in Philadelphia." Which is completely ridiculous, everyone knows it's Always Sunny there.
If Trump debates Biden a second time, it will have to be held virtually. Which terrifies Trump, because he'll have to face his ultimate opponent: the Mute button.
Tapes of Melania Trump have been released that capture her whining about being First Lady, and saying "Who Gives a F*ck About Christmas Stuff?" First Lady? More like First Grinch! Except unlike her bra size, her heart has yet to grow three sizes in one day.