In Pennsylvania, a tech-savvy mom created embarrassing deepfake videos of her daughter's rivals to force them off her daughter’s cheerleading squad. Gimme a K- Gimme an A... Gimme an R... Gimme an E... Gimme a N... What's that spell?
In Washington State, a man stole a 400-pound slide from a city park playground, brought it home, and mounted it to his kid's bunk bed. The city didn't make him return the slide. Instead his house is the new city park.
In streaming news, Netflix is beginning to crack down on customers sharing passwords. Offenders who get caught will still be able to Netflix but no longer chill.
In Pope news, the Vatican says its financial reserves are running low due to paying off debts, and is seeking donations. As usual the forms of payment they will accept are Euros and altar boys.
In Ukraine, a couple who grew tired of arguing have handcuffed themselves to each other for three months. Wow. That must get *really* interesting on Taco Tuesday. I guess at least when they finally unlock themselves, they can say they've discovered the key to happiness.
Finally, America hit an incredible milestone this week-- 100 million vaccine doses have been given. Apparently the secret was that vaccinations came with a Disney+ subscription.