Taco Bell WINE? Let's talk about random news stories! (6 News Jokes)
Also: Thailand litterbugs, Tesla napping, Louis Vuitton PPE, and a gay TLD.
A woman in New York got thrown in the air when a garbage truck's robotic arm accidentally ripped up her bench. Asked if she's pressing charges, the woman said "Oh no, it's still one of the most friendly interactions I've had in New York".
A national park in Thailand is fighting litterbugs by gathering their trash and mailing it back to them. Visitors can help by dropping their trash in a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Apparently the idea came from Thailand's Department of Passive Aggression after they consulted with the leading expert, my mom.
A guy got in trouble for napping while his Tesla was on autopilot going 90 mph. That's an awkward situation. "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" -(SNORING).
Taco Bell Canada is now selling its own custom wine, JalapeƱo Noir, to pair with its Toasted Cheesy Chalupa. I gotta say... I'm running out of reasons to not move to Canada.
Louis Vuitton has entered the virus protection game by selling a gold-studded face shield for $900. Who the heck is buying that? For $900 you might as well just buy a ventilator.
Move over dot-com, there's a new top-level domain: dot-gay is now open for public website registrations. And before you check... MikePence.gay is already taken.