Sad News for the rap world-- Rapper DMX died last week. Most people don't know this, but DMX had a ton of kids-- 15 little DMX's by 15 different DM exes. He's the modern-day Genghis Khan. 1000 years from now, everyone will have DMX DNA.
Did you guys catch this? Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter went viral for posting TikToks that roast her mom's "Goop" branded vagina products. As punishment, Gwyneth gave her a 20-minute time-out in the chamber of spores and kombucha she was birthed in.
In Saturday Night Live News, 27-year-old Pete Davidson has finally moved out of his mom’s basement. And directly into my basement. "Hey Pete! Get the fuck outta my basement!"
Good news for fans of "Friends". Matthew Perry accidentally revealed that the reunion has already begun filming in a now-deleted Instagram photo. I guess they're in a hurry to finish filming before Jennifer Anniston realizes she's too good for this.
This made me smile. Musical group OutKast started a huge online debate by sharing a tweet by comedian Ron Funches that claims they're better than the Beatles. Hey! ... Yah.
Check this out. "Reading Rainbow" legend Levar Burton has started a petition to get the powers that be to let him host "Jeopardy!" I'll take actors desperate for work for $1,000 Alex. If they don't give him the job, I guess that means Levar was wrong when he said "I can be anything".
Finally, Check this out. A heavy metal band of cats has dropped its first single for charity. Look Ginger, finally a band we can enjoy together!
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