Check this out. According to a new book, President Trump asked his DOJ to make Saturday Night Live stop teasing him. They ignored him of course, but you know, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know that on some level, Pete Davidson is more powerful than Bill Barr.
In Kamala news, now that Vice President Harris has visited El Paso, right-wingers have predictably switched from "Why won't she visit the border" to "How dare she visit the border". Right on schedule. Meanwhile, Taco Bell fans are asking "Why won't she make a run for the border?"
Quick QAnon update: the conspiracy-theory is now spreading like wildfire in California's yoga community. And they've got a great pitch: "Hey, do you like stretching? Try stretching the truth!".
Finally, in New York, due to his bogus election fraud lies, Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law. Wow, if all that was practice, I'd hate to see him do the real thing.