In frivolous food news, A man is suing the company that makes Hawaiian rolls because they are not made in Hawaii, but Torrance, California. He also plans to sue Kool Aid for no longer being cool, and every French Fry that's not made in France.
This is nuts. A man with a cane tried to rob a Manhattan bank, then fled on a wheelchair. It took police a while to apprehend him because the getaway vehicle somehow got an incredibly close parking spot.
In Florida, a man set his own truck on fire to give local cops "something to do". The man will now be sent to prison where he himself will be "something to do." Boy, I'd hate to see what he set on fire to keep his doctor busy.
Finally, a company called "King of Fans" is recalling 190,000 ceiling units because the blades detach and fly off. The only way to get one now is to subscribe to their account on OnlyFans.
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