Latest "Face/Off" QAnon Conspiracy Theory: Biden is Trump in Disguise?!
(And More POLITICS News)
In case you missed Biden's inauguration, Lady Gaga donned a Hunger-Games-meets-Princess-Leia look and belted out a performance of the National Anthem that many are saying was the best they'd ever seen. It was her dream crowd, a bunch of 80-year-old Senators, half of whom had never heard of her and the other half that thought she was Antifa. But one thing really bugged me-- she left the stage without doing an encore of "Shallow". Give the fans what they want, Gaga!
In oval office news, President Biden has removed the button Trump used to summon a butler with a Diet Coke. Instead, he installed 2 new buttons. One calls someone to bring him a glass of Metamucil; the other brings in a wig of human hair for him to sniff.
This is nice. Jeff Bezos sent a letter to President Biden saying "Amazon stands ready to assist you in reaching your goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans". Walmart wrote a letter the next day, saying "We'll also be ready! But in 5-10 years then we'll just copy how Amazon did it."
Quick QAnon update. Many Trump supporters who thought he would magically stop Biden's inauguration and round up "the Dems" for a military tribunal are now saying they think Biden and Trump did a "Face Off" and Biden is really Trump in disguise. Do they really think we have that technology? Not the face-swapping, but transferring 100 pounds of fat. Even Elon Musk couldn't pull that off.
Finally, cult experts warn that a variety of quasi-christian religions could rise from the ashes of QAnon after its crazy prophecies failed to materialize. And for those of who can't pick a specific sect of Q-worship, you can always choose to be Qanon-denominational.