Jon Stewart on Guns and Stephen Colbert on F*cker Carlson
Also: Greg Barris and a surprise from Andrew Sullivan
Happy National Landline Telephone Day! Hello, I’m Geoff Plitt, and welcome to What You Need to Know, the brief, weekly newsletter where I share the best comedy videos I’ve seen all week. It will always be free, and you’re welcome to become a friend by following me on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, where I share my own jokes every day.
Quick shout out: One of my favorite guests on Bill Maher’s “Real Time” show on HBO has always been Andrew Sullivan. He’s funny, smart, British, Catholic, gay, and has a complex political stance, being fundamentally conservative yet often supportive of liberal perspectives. And to my surprise, he subscribed to this newsletter last week and pledged to support a future paid version! A nice surprise from a swell guy. Give Andrew a follow on Twitter and check out his Substack.
And now, the funny vids you came for:
Jon Stewart posted a youtube clip of his interview with Nathan Dahm about gun control, and I thought it was funny but also brilliant:
Stephen Colbert’s take on Tucker Carlson (or as I call him, Fucker Carlson)’s recent highly-slanted report on January 6 footage was amazing:
Colbert also had a funny sketch that imagines how Tucker would have covered Jaws:
And finally, check out Greg Barris’ recent hilarious set on Corden:
That’s all for now!
- Geoff
P.S. Enjoying this newsletter? Forward to a friend! Give the gift of humor, and get credit for your sense of taste.
Good stuff!
BTW, I also call him Fucker Carlson. Can you believe his latest shenanigans? What a pasty faced I-don't-what he his...