In space news, Japan is planning to send a "transforming robot" to the Moon in 2022. Apparently the robot's primary mission will be TO FIND THE ALL SPARK!
This is cool. NASA's rover on Mars has successfully split CO2 to make breathable air using an instrument called "Moxie". Now there's a rover with verve... panache... chutzpah even. But moxie? That's a stretch. And I expected more from you, NASA.
In case you missed it last week, a "super blood moon" lit up skies around the world. You could tell it was a super blood moon because the moon was especially cranky and irritable.
In Elon Musk news, Tesla has switched on interior cabin cameras in certain models to spy on drivers while using Autopilot. Not to make sure they're paying attention, just to make sure facial expression is at "peak smugness" at all times.
Here's something scary. A new report says US soldiers accidentally exposed nuclear weapons secrets by using flashcard apps while studying. That's outrageous! That could be... that could be... oh yeah-- very dangerous for national security!