Guy Invents Working Lightsaber? Let's Talk About International News! (5 News Jokes)
In Switzerland, many are angry due to a yodelling "superspreader" concert. Wait a sec, doesn't yodeling require you to be far away? Anyway they issued an apology, which I will read verbatim: Whoops-a-dee-daisy-doo! That's what it says.
A man in India was stopped in an airport with more than a kilogram of gold up his butt. Asked how it got up there, he smiled and said... "Goldfinger".
Canadian engineer James Hobson has developed the world's first real-life retractable "Star Wars" lightsaber. Apparently the hardest part was collecting the kyber crystals from a dying star 2 million light years away. Asked if he's worried about the inevitable lawsuit from Disney about it, he said... "I have a bad feeling about this".
To celebrate Iceland's 50th anniversary, they launched a chicken nugget into space. Apparently it's headed for the big dipper.
Finally, in Australia, An escaped cow was found trapped on a neighbor's trampoline. The cow was apparently just practicing being flipped for when it becomes a burger.