Devastating Burns From the Roasts of Justin Bieber, Bruce Willis, Rob Lowe
Also: Erin Foley, Ali Sultan, and Tone Bell
It’s almost July! Between the heat wave in the Pacific Northwest and Bill Cosby being exonerated, I’ll bet you need a humor break as much as I do.
Sidebar: Want to be featured in my newsletter? I’m going to start introducing one of my subscribers each week to the rest of you, so comment below (or reply if you’re reading this over email) with the following to be considered: name, hometown, current city, occupation, 2-3 fun facts about yourself, and your social links. Let me make you famous!
And now, please allow these hilarious omelettes to sizzle on your comedy driveway:
Erin Foley offers her thoughts on the morning-after pill and remembers feeling like the last person to realize she was gay:
Ali Sultan to the Ed Sullivan Theater stage for the first Late Show stand up comedy set in over 15 months! #
Tone Bell details a frustrating interaction he had with a bank teller:
Comedy Central compiled some of the harshest burns from the Roasts of Justin Bieber, Bruce Willis, Rob Lowe and more:
Enjoying this newsletter? Forward to a friend! Give the gift of humor, and get credit for your sense of taste.
- Geoff