Bowser arrested for hacking Nintendo Switch? Let's talk about the entertainment! (5 News Jokes)
A Nintendo Switch hacker who calls himself Bowser has been arrested and charged for selling Nintendo Switch mods. Once apprehended, police Mario Karted him away, and are now interrogating him on the whereabouts of Princess Peach.
Spanish party island Ibiza is under partial lockdown after an outbreak of coronavirus. Authorities believe it was caused by a DJ who irresponsibly dropped a sick beat. Doctors were surprised because the strain in Spain stays mainly in the plains.
Marvel Studios has a new TV show, Ms. Marvel, and made news by casting the first Islamic superhero. Finally, a Muslim taken OFF the No Fly List.
In New York, "Ghostbusters" actor Rick Moranis was sucker-punched on the street. No word yet on whether the assailant was the keymaster. But it's strange they haven't picked up the obvious suspect... Lonestar!
A bikini pic posted by Kylie Jenner led 50,000 people to register to voteā¦ and 100 thousand people to register for OnlyFans.