In Kazakhstan, a company called Astroscale is launching a proof of concept spacecraft which will attempt to clean up space debris. And they're already raising funds for their next spacecraft which will clean up the debris from when this mission fails.
This is weird. In South Africa, a pastor who heals people by farting on their faces, claims he farts the holy spirit. Asked to comment, Jesus Christ said "Jeeeeeesus Christ".
In female race car driver news, Danica Patrick says she's ready to mingle, and that her next romantic partner is "going to be an extremely high-quality person." Well Danica, if you're watching, if you don't end up finding an extremely high-quality person, would you settle for an extremely... high person?
In the Czech Republic, zookeepers are helping lonely chimpanzees by giving them daily Zoom video calls with Chimps in other zoos. And just like us, the chimps prefer to do Zoom without wearing pants. Apparently the orangutans aren't as hip and are still using Skype.
Finally, in Oklahoma, a not-so-high-speed chase with a stolen Doritos truck lasted 100 miles. Apparently the long chase finally ended when the driver crashed into a cool ranch.